Un colega y amigo interculturalista señala 5 importantes diferencias a las que yo, abajo, añado 6 más.
Alan Cornes (Trad. de la A.):
Estereotipos dañinos |
Generalizaciones útiles
Se retienen inconscientemente |
Se retienen conscientemente
No describen sino que juzgan.
No juzgan, sólo describen |
Suelen ser muy vagos e imprecisos
Son muy precisos |
Son la única consideración
Se consideran hipótesis de trabajo. |
No son confirmados, completados, o modificados por ulteriores experiencias
Pueden ser modificados por posteriores experiencias. Deben ser precisados, completados etc. por estas. |
Cornes, Alan ( 2004) Culture from the Inside Out: Travel - And Meet Yourself. Yarmouth & London, Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Pg. 29.
© Natalia Pérez de Herrasti
¿Te gusta? Compártelo:
Harmful stereotypes |
Useful generalizations
They are retained unconsciously. |
They are retained consciously.
They are judgmental, not descriptive.
They are descriptive not judgmental. |
They maybe accurate but are often not.
They are accurate. |
They are the only consideration.
They are considered a best first guess. |
They are not modified by experience.
They are modified by subsequent experience. |
Cornes, Alan ( 2004) Culture from the Inside Out: Travel - And Meet Yourself. Yarmouth & London, Nicholas Brealey Publishing. Pg. 29.
My addition to Alan´s points
Harmful stereotypes:
Their aim is dividing, separating people between “them” and “us.”
They are a result of irritation because our implicit values, those we cannot explain and we have learned unconsciously without ever questioning them, are being challenged.
They are a result of few superficial observations or even no direct experience at all.
They do not consider individual and intracultural differences.
They hide the intention of making the other culture accept my standards because they are better. (Etnocentrism)
They arise from the belief that culture is a barrier that we cannot overcome.
Useful generalizations:
Their aim is joining people by making their views and behaviour understandable to others.
They are a result of a deeper understanding of implicit values hidden behind explicit facts (our own values and the values of other cultures as both are unknown to us)
They are a result of vast empirical observation scientifically analyzed and confirmed by many authors.
They take it for granted that there are generational, regional and other individual differences, and generalization is only a first step for the understanding of the other culture. After it we must learn more intracultural nuances and details. And we must always meet every individual as a unique blend who occupies a unique position in many continuums of many polarities which can collide. What might seem as a contradiction at first might be the consequence of another standard that, on this point, has the priority. But we also know that the intracultural differences are usually of a smaller grade and do not lead to such a big disorientation as the intercultural ones.
They describe both poles of the standard clear and openly so both positions can meet in the middle or find consense and reconciliation. (Integration, biculturality ...)
They arise from the belief that cultures are complementary and together we can achieve a sinergy that avoids both pathological excesses.
Post del blog de Interkulturelle Unternehmensentwicklung : sobre el sentido y el sinsentido de las dimensiones y los estándares.
Post en alemán aquí. Me parece fundamental y muy interesante porque trata un tema esencial que ocupa a los interculturalistas hoy, que se debaten en contradicciones absurdas. Da en el clavo al decir que los profesionales que rechazan las dimensiones y estándares culturales, acto seguido los utilizan en sus cursos y exposiciones.
El sr. Henkel defiende que las dimensiones son útiles porque aportan el lenguaje para hablar y explicar lo vivido, para describir cosas que normalmente no se hablan por falta de categorías para explicarlas. Como ejemplo cita a un colega chino que, tras años de profunda experiencia intercultural, se convirtió en un intermediador cultural. Al descubrir las dimensiones sintió de pronto que lo innombrable tenía nombre, lo indecible, se podía verbalizar. Poder hablar de nuestras experiencias hace que podamos trabajar con ellas, encontrar modos de reaccionar y alternativas adecuadas.
Las dimensiones culturales me hacen pensar sobre temas, que, precisamente por estar influidos por la cultura, antes no había percibido. Ese es para Henkel el poderosísimo aporte que éstas nos ofrecen. Pueden ayudarme por anticipado, y ya todos sabemos que hay que usarlas con precaución y contextualizándolas correctamente.
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